Let us introduce our newest Buccaneer community member: SoluForce. The originator and technological leader in the research, development, manufacture, supply and installation of Flexible Composite Pipes. Since April 2022, SoluForce is a separate entity under the Wienerberger umbrella and will focus on the renewable market with the world’s first flexible hydrogen pipeline solution. We talked with Robbert Laan, Research and Development Manager, about them becoming part of the Buccaneer community. Let’s get to know them!
A quick overview of the history of SoluForce
- 1998: R&D project started looking for a non-metallic solution for corroding steel pipes, in cooperation with Shell, DNV, Teijin, AkzoNobel and PipeLife
- 1999: Creation of the SoluForce brand by PipeLife and the development of industry standards
- 2000: First installation of the SoluForce system in Oman as oil and gas flowline
- 2001: SoluForce becomes commercially available for the first time with the introduction of SoluForce Classic in combination with the Electro Fusion fitting system
- 2019: SoluForce H2T introduced and certified for hydrogen applications up to 42 bar operating pressure
- 2022: The SoluForce brand becomes a separate entity which operates under the Wienerberger umbrella
SoluForce is revolutionizing the way energy is transported. “We want to make the transportation of hydrocarbons, water, mining and hydrogen as safe and efficient as possible. Our non-metallic pipes can easily move round corners, up hills, down slopes, under water and more. This makes it an ideal solution for some of the toughest onshore and offshore environments on earth. The pipes are fully corrosion resistant and quick and simple to install.”
Delft offers, with the TU Delft, a unique ecosystem to get in touch with young and bright minds.
Robbert Laan, SoluForce
Young minds to help us focus on research & development
In 2019 SoluForce developed the SoluForce Hydrogen Tight (H2T), a revolutionary system impacting the viability of (green) hydrogen distribution. “The hydrogen market is quite new for us. We see the enormous potential of hydrogen and want to play an important part in the energy transition. We want to become the key player, who companies reach out to for delivering safe, flexible and certified hydrogen pipelines. In order to achieve this goal, we are searching for smart and qualified young minds to strengthen the SoluForce team. That is how Delft and Buccaneer Delft came into the picture.
Delft offers, with the TU Delft, a unique ecosystem to get in touch with young and bright minds. Making these graduates move to Enkhuizen can be a challenge. So, we thought why not open an office in Delft? This way, graduates don’t have to leave their city in order to work for SoluForce.
Our Managing Director had heard of Buccaneer Delft and with a visit, we directly fell in love with the concept. Not only is it an inspiring workplace with like-minded young people, it also stimulates us to learn more about the energy transition. Next to that we believe that we, as SoluForce, can help the Buccaneer community as well. We have inhouse expertise when it comes to; patents, contracting, marketing and sales in the energy market. Perhaps we can share our knowledge and expertise with start-up companies based at Buccaneer Delft. We are very excited to be here.”
As an accelerator, Buccaneer Delft proudly supports start- & scale-ups in the ever evolving energy & maritime sector. We accelerate growth, connect, inspire & help realize potential. Can we help you along your journey in becoming a successful entrepreneur? Find out more.