Energy Talks & Drinks | Future of Nuclear Energy

Besides fluctuating solar- and wind energy, the world needs a stable base load energy source. Emission free nuclear energy can perfectly fulfill this need. Further the long-lived nuclear waste problem can be solved!
We invited the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, to update us on our government policies on nuclear energy. Further we had Thorizon to present their NextGen nuclear reactor which uses long-lived nuclear waste and convert it to short-lived waste.
- Martijn Schut, program director nuclear energy of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate. Martijn will share insights on the government policies on nuclear energy.
- Sander de Groot, Co-Founder of Thorizon. Thorizon develops a next generation MSR nuclear power plant, that can use long-lived nuclear waste from ‘regular’ nuclear power plants as fuel, and convert it to short-lived waste. The patented reactor consists of replaceable modular reactor vessels, enabling off-site building and (re)fueling. Thorizon and its partners aim to have a reactor vessel prototype and a power plant design ready within 6 years to be able to fast track the realization of such NextGen nuclear power plants.