Energy Talks & Drinks | 23 April

In 2050 we will have 70 GW of operational offshore wind, at least that is the current ambition set by the government. However, to reach this ambition we need to increase the installation capacity of turbines, we need more ships, and most of all more talented minds to do so.
But, by being smarter with automatization, optimization, digitalization and robotic solutions we can also make big steps. So what are some promising developments in the field of installation of offshore wind sector that can help us increase the capacity factor to reach the ambitious targets?
Let’s find out together with Maritime Delta, RoboHouse, Huisman, X-Laboratory, TNO and Boskalis. We will discuss opportunities to install offshore wind farms both faster and in a safer way. We will look at applications that can already be used and in which areas we need to push a bit extra to encourage innovation. We do so, without losing sight of the human capital aspect.
This Energy Talks & Drinks XL we organize collaboratively with the help of Maritime Delta and RoboHouse on Tuesday 23 April 2024 starting at 17:00 hrs. Will you join us?
Program & speakers
17:00 hrs. Walk-in with drink & bites
17:30 hrs. Start of the program
- Edward Gilding & Tessa Luijben of the Maritime Delta program
Maritime Delta is strengthening the regional cluster in the field of innovation and human capital. Edward and Tessa will update us on the Sectoragenda Maritieme Maakindustrie, and the project robotization at sea.
- Ties van Bruinessen, Managing Director at RoboHouse
RoboHouse is the fieldlab for robotics in Delft. They create settings for developing robotics where new ways of working can emerge, and their impact on productivity and well-being is being assessed. As an expert, Ties can tell us what lessons to take into account when robotizing processes in the offshore wind industry.
- Dieter Wijning, Product Manager at Huisman
Huisman has an extensive product portfolio for the offshore wind market. The products range from spreaders, monopile grippers, pre-piling templates up to large capacity cranes. Dieter will tell us more about their innovative solutions for offshore wind turbine installation and maintenance.
- André Schiele, Director at X-Laboratory
X-Laboratory, is a robotics deep tech firm and developer of highly advanced motion compensation technology for the offshore wind industry.. The space-grade rugged solutions developed at X-Lab power the most advanced equipment for offshore wind turbine installation and maintenance.
- Panel discussion
Together with Huisman, X-Laboratory, TNO and Boskalis we will discuss the role of robotics in the offshore wind installation process.
18:45 hrs. Networking drinks