SoluForce is the originator and technological leader in long length high pressure Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe systems (RTP, also known as Flexible Composite Pipes or FCP). They are used for many applications, such as hydrocarbons, hydrogen, water, offshore and mining. It is completely flexible, meaning it can go round corners, up hills, down slopes, across gullies, under water and more with ease. Being non-metallic, it is also fully corrosion-free, does not suffer from hydrogen embrittlement and is quick and simple to install.
Based on proven technologies, it can be the perfect accelerator to achieve local green hydrogen distribution in a fast, flexible and cost-efficient manner. Moreover, the CO2 footprint of producing the SoluForce pipe is only a fraction of that of a traditional steel pipe, which is an important aspect in an ambition towards a Co2 neutral industry.
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